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List of Shortcodes

Use these shortcodes to display various plugin components on your site:

  1. [coaching_task_list milestone_id="X"]: Displays tasks for a specific milestone.
  2. [coaching_routine id="X"]: Shows a specific routine.
  3. [ctl_group_progress id="X"]: Displays progress for a specific group.
  4. [ctl_group_leaderboard group_id="X"]: Shows a leaderboard for a specific group.
  5. [ctl_user_dashboard]: Displays the user’s personal dashboard.
  6. [ctl_user_progress]: Shows the user’s overall progress.
  7. [ctl_user_milestones]: Displays the user’s milestone progress.
  8. [ctl_user_routines]: Shows the user’s routine progress.
  9. [ctl_user_recent_activity]: Displays the user’s recent activity.
  10. [ctl_user_analytics]: Shows the user’s personal analytics.
  11. [ctl_user_groups]: Displays the groups a user belongs to.
  12. [ctl_milestone_analytics]: Shows analytics for milestones.
  13. [ctl_routine_analytics]: Displays analytics for routines.
  14. [ctl_analytics]: Shows overall analytics (for users with appropriate permissions).